Thanks for visiting the Tavern League of Burnett County website. My name is Kathleen Vandergon and, as Secretary/Treasurer of the League, I will be managing the website. Have a look around the website and get to know your local tavern league. If you want to drop me a line, go to the Contact Us section and fill out the form.

Our Purpose

The Tavern League of Burnett County is organized and shall be operated exclusively to promote the advancement and protection of its members, within the meaning of Section 501(c)(6) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended from time to time. More specifically, the League is organized and shall be operated as a chapter of the Tavern League of Wisconsin, a Wisconsin nonprofit corporation that is recognized as exempt from taxation under Code Section 501(c)(6), and in operating as a chapter of TLW, shall engage in the following activities: (a) promote the general welfare of its members, improve business standards, and to further the legitimate business of selling alcoholic beverages in a lawful and upright manner; (b) own, lease, sell, exchange or otherwise deal with all property, real and personal, tangible or intangible, to be used in furtherance of these purposes; and (c) engage in any and all lawful activities incidental, useful or necessary to the accomplishment of the above-referenced purposes. 

Board of Directors 
Chuck Anderson - Danbury
Greg Hunter - Siren
Kathy Vandergon - Webster
Matt Swenson - Webster
Tim Vasatka - Frederic
Sean Holwell - Webster
Brad Burkhardt - Siren
Mike Janke - Grantsburg
Deb Grobner - Webb Lake
Grace Burkinshaw - Webb Lake
Genevieve Cashman - Spooner
Tara Amrhein - Siren
Rick Belanger - Siren

Chuck Anderson - President
Greg Hunter - Vice President
Kathy Vandergon - Secretary/Treasurer
Matt Swenson - Sergeant -At-Arms


The following establishments are current members of the Tavern League of Burnett County.
If you would like information on how you can become a member, please fill out
the form on the Contact Us page and I will get back to you with the details.
Adventures Restaurant & Pub - Siren
Archie & Arthur's Icehouse - Danbury
Brandi's Bar & Grill - Danbury
Bump's Bar - Webster
The Cabaret - Webb Lake
Coyland Creek - Frederic
Crow Bar - Webster
Fishbowl Sportsmens Club - Webster
The Foxhole Bar & Lounge - Grantsburg
Fox Run Golf Course - Webster
Frederic Golf Course - Frederic
Galen's Little Mexico - Siren
Gandy Dancer Saloon - Danbury
Hillside Inn - Danbury
Holly's Drive In Bar & Grill - Danbury
Hummer's Rendezvous - Grantsburg
Indian Creek Tavern - Frederic
Joker's Bar - Grantsburg
Johnson's Yellow Lake Lodge - Webster
Jo Mama's Cafe - Webster
The Junkyard Bar - Hertel
Knotty Pines on Clam Lake - Siren
Last Call Bar & Grill - Siren
Lewis Memorial VFW - Frederic
Lily Lake Tavern - Webster
Lipsie Pines - Spooner
The Local - Spooner
The Lodge at Crooked Lake - Siren
Lumberjack Saloon & Eatery - Webb Lake
McGraw Lake Tavern - Danbury
McKenzie Landing - Spooner
Midtown Tavern - Siren
Misty Pines Inn - Hertel
Northview Drive Inn - Webster
Northwinds Resort & Bar - Spooner

I’ve been to exotic countries and taking breathtaking photos from high in the air. Many of my photos have appeared in well-known magazines.
Oak Ridge Inn - Webb Lake
The Pheasant Inn & Sports Bar - Siren
Pour House - Siren
The REC on Yellow Lake - Danbury
Red Stag - Grantsburg
Route 35 - Webster
Salty Steer - Danbury
The Sand Bar - Webster
Sand Bar on 70 - Webster
The Shop Bar & Grill - Webster
Siren National - Siren
Skol Haus - Frederic
Sundown Saloon - Frederic
Sweeny's Bar - Webster
The Tap Bar & Grill - Webster
Tavern on Main - Siren
10th Hole - Danbury
The 300 Club - Frederic
Timberland Bar & Grill - Barronett
Tim's Black & Orange - Webster
Tommy's Too High Wines - Danbury
Trader's Round-A-Bout Bar & Grill - Webster
Trail Blazer's Tavern - Danbury
Voyager Village - Danbury
Webb Lake Tavern - Danbury
What the Heck - Spooner
Whiskey Joe's - Siren
Wild Water Bar & Grill - Danbury
Zia's Italian - Webster


Tavern League meetings are held the second Tuesday of every month, 2:00 pm at an
establishment determined at the previous meeting.

Next membership meeting will be Tuesday February 11th, 2025
2 pm at McGraw Lake Tavern.


Dates to Remember

Next membership meeting will be Tuesday February 11th, 2025
2 pm at McGraw Lake Tavern.

Legislative Day - March 4th, 2025 in Madison.

Spring Caucus - March 24th, 2025 at the Prime Bar, Trego.

Spring Convention 2025 - April 7-10th, 2025 in Wausau.

Fall Caucus - August 18th, 2025. Hosted by Ashland/Bayfield.


If there is something you would like to see added to the website or if you have a question about
the Tavern League of Burnett County, please contact me using the form below.

Send Me a Message

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